Transform the way you service customers
CRMed provides a powerful low-code platform that empowers businesses to go online at the speed of thought and leverage our AI-powered decisioning and workflow automations to exceed customer expectations for speed and convenience while reducing the cost to serve.
Harness the full potential of tomorrow’s tech
with IoT, RPA, AI, Chatbot and Cloud integration to develop business-specific solutions that help enterprises transform their conventional processes impacting their efficiency, productivity and ensure rapid growth, RoI.’
What if you could build a customer portal in just days?
CRMed’s platform offers a way to build portals quickly and easily, without pre-built components and connecting them together, businesses can create a functional customer portals in no time.
Make processes smarter and faster
Unlock the full of AI with the power to mix, match, and combine models and services. Build smarter business processes that can self-improve and evolve to meet the ever-changing needs of your organization.
years of collective experience in digitizing businesses.
cohesive, intelligent and reliable applications
boost in sales across products, from second year
< 2 year
complete return on digitization investment